Magical Qualities of Our Rose Oil from 2020 Harvest

Magical Qualities of Our Rose Oil from 2020 Harvest

This Year is very special for Rose Harvest, the bright sunshine and the rain enhanced the natural surroundings, making the Roses of the finest quality with a very delightful aroma making them perfect for the divine Rose Oil & Rose Water.

Roses at the inception it is a bit greenish and then comes the flower blushing in pink, Roses of 2020 harvest are finely textured with a serene smoothness when touched. Once the aroma intensity calms down it turns into a sensuous aroma with sweet fruity honey bee undertones.

Rose oil harvest is ready and got matured at the moment it is very exclusive with rich and multilayered fragrance.

From 2020 Harvest we have USDA Organic and Conventional Rose Oil both.

Our Rose Oil goes out of stock very quickly, book your order now.